Sometimes you see something beautiful but it feels out of reach. Too pretty, too perfect, too staged. We want to be honest, and real. We didn’t hire models for our product photography, instead we reached out to other makers and friends to be the talent. 

All of the friendly faces you see on our product photography had never modeled before. They were nervous, no one wanted to be the first in front of the camera. Our amazing photographer Carter Tippins (Electric Soul Creative) is skilled in helping people feel at ease. He reminded everyone that they were not the focus of the images but the person showing off the item. 

By the end we were laughing, encouraging each other, and walked away having spent a few hours and dinner with new friends. 

Ann was so excited to try something new. Her grown kids and grandkids couldn’t believe she was going to be a model, like in front of a camera. Given that MakerMeans hadn’t launched quite yet, she didn’t fully envision where these photos were going to be used, but she never hesitated bringing her full self to the shoot. She embodies joy, encouragement, laughter, and willingness to help some friends on their new business. 

Javela has been a friend for a number of years. She is the founder and owner of Gifted Hands Artisan Soap. We got to celebrate a big milestone for her business, the weekend after the photoshoot was the opening for her own retail shop! It was inspiring to hear about her journey and passions as a maker behind the set. 

One thing we always want to remember is that creating takes practice, patience, and grit. Creating can come in the form of a business or a single card. We need to be gracious with ourselves and each other, and thank every person who helps along the way. Each person has their own strengths and brings a new perspective or talent to the creative process. We are always better when we work together, even when it is messy.